
Brand: Durex

The name "Hautnah" suggests increased closeness or intimacy in German. These condoms from Durex are designed to provide that "skin-to-skin" feeling, offering a more natural, intimate experience. The addition of "Extra Feucht" indicates that these condoms are extra lubricated for enhanced comfort and sensation.

CHF 17.90
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Brand: Durex

London Q600, 1000 pieces. Brand of condoms under the Durex group. Very wet, transparent, lubricated with a reservoir. Designed for sex professionals or AIDS prevention campaigns. €0.26/piece.

CHF 250.90
In stock
Brand: Durex

xExperience the sensation of pure intimacy with Durex Feeling Classic condoms. Designed to deliver a natural experience, these condoms let you feel closer to your partner while enjoying Durex's world-renowned protection and reliability.

CHF 15.90
In stock

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