Womanizer & Satisfyer

Enter the captivating world of non-contact stimulation with market leaders Womanizer and Satisfyer. These two revolutionary brands have transformed the world of women's sex toys, offering sensations never felt before. Thanks to air pulsation technology, Womanizer and Satisfyer promise orgasms of exceptional intensity, while avoiding any direct contact. Fans of both brands praise their ability to deliver fast, deep satisfaction in just a few minutes. At JouJou.ch, we're proud to present a full range of these technological marvels, guaranteeing every woman an unparalleled experience. Whether it's the sensual precision of the Womanizer or the ergonomic power of the Satisfyer, each choice promises an erotic journey like no other.

Satisfyer Pro 2 "Next Generation" Sextoy - Clitoral stimulator Satisfyer Pro 2 "Next Generation" Sextoy - Clitoral stimulator
CHF 55.90

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