E- Stim - Electrosex

The thrill of electricity can awaken unsuspected sensations, making every quiver more intense and every touch unforgettable. With SM Estim electrostimulation, available on JouJou.ch, you're invited to discover a totally new dimension of pleasure. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned user, our Estim products are designed to deliver a safe, adjustable and intensely rewarding experience. From gentle tingling to deep, rhythmic pulses, master every sensation with precision. Redefine the boundaries of desire and explore a world of electric excitement where every jolt is a promise of ecstasy. Don't wait any longer and let JouJou.ch guide you through the electrifying adventure of SM electrostimulation.

SKU: CDPL03804
Brand: Rimba

Experience the Cock Strap, an incredible electrostimulator for the penis! Made of genuine leather and adjustable, it easily connects to a Rimba Powerbox. Enjoy customizable electric pulses for intense tingling and tickling sensations in your intimate areas.

SKU: CDPL03802
Brand: Rimba

Explore the Electrosex Power Box, a powerful kit for sexual electrostimulation with 4 channels capable of powering 4 different bipolar accessories simultaneously. Adjustable and compatible with various electrodes, enjoy 5 programs and 16 intensity levels for a personalized electrifying experience.

CHF 170.90
Brand: Mystim

Pinwheel Spiny Spencer, spiked wheel with e-stim function for exhilarating sadomasochistic sessions. When connected to the Mystim station, the points of the wheel deliver delightful tingling sensations and stimulate your partner's nerve endings. Ideal for use with other electrodes to maximize the erotic effect.

SKU: CDPL01611

Prepare for a whole new sexual experience with the incredible Jack Socket masturbator from ElectraStim. This unique masturbator combines the unmatched sensations of electrostimulation (e-stim) with the intensely pleasurable feelings of a realistic male masturbator. The inner sleeve is made from high-quality, lifelike TPE material that moves and reacts like real skin.

CHF 120.90
Brand: Mystim

MyStim - Public Enemy No. 1 Chastity Cage. This perverse chastity cage prevents erections and can be connected to the Mystim Tension Lover electro box. The black silicone conductive surfaces are located on the left and right sides.

CHF 118.90

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